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Moldovan foreign affairs minister says today's vote beginning of country's way to EU full-fledged member status

21:08 | 14.12.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 14 December /MOLDPRES/ - This is the beginning of the country’s way to the status of EU full-fledged member. We expect important negotiations and continuous reforms; yet, we are resolute to go this road, as we know that the accession to EU represents our way to prosperity, stability and security. Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and European Nicu Popescu has conveyed a message to this effect, after the European Council today voted for the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union.    

The official noted that we today celebrated a special moment in the history of Moldova. ‘’Following an important period, during which we successfully implemented the European Union’s recommendations, the Union’s member states issued a positive vote for the starting of the negotiations on accession with our country. The today’s decision represents a historical moment for Moldova, marking the most important step made so far towards our accession to the great family of the European Union,’’ Nicu Popescu said.  

The deputy PM stressed that, in the last years, all institutions of the state had closely cooperated to implement the essential reforms. ‘’The carrying out of 94 per cent of the European Commission’s recommendations is a clear proof of our determination to make concrete changes and to bring Moldova to the European standards. We are on the correct way and we are resolute to continue this transformation. We start this stage having a solid base, highlighted by a dynamic pace of progress, including in those 35 chapters of accession, of which 9 ones record substantial progress. Congratulations to us everybody on this important decision, which irreversibly opens the way to the great family of the European Union – an area of peace, security and democracy,’’ Nicu Popescu said.    

The European Council today voted for the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union. The decision comes after, on 8 November 2023, the European Commission recommended that the European Union member countries initiate the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union.  

In June 2022, Moldova, Moldova received the status of country candidate for accession to the European Union. The Moldovan authorities were submitted nine conditions, in order to switch to the next stage of accession – the one of negotiations. In last autumn, the level of implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations was assessed, followed by the decision on the starting of the negotiations on accession to EU.  



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