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Moldovan Commission for Emergency Situations approves measures of managing traffic at border crossing points

20:43 | 15.12.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 December /MOLDPRES/ - The Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE), chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, has approved the measures needed for the easing of the tough traffic in customs and facilitate the implementation of the information system of programming of electronic queues at the border, the government’s communication department reported.   

This system allows carriers not crowding the border crossing points and programming online the exact time of crossing the border, through the registration in a virtual waiting queue.  

Also, the CSE members ruled to allocate financial sources for the support of the system of protection of refugees, through donations provided by the Office of the United National High Commissioner for Refugees in Moldova. Thus, exceptional one-off payments are to be provided to the employees of the centres of temporary placement for refugees.

Another decision regards the import of ten vehicles donated for free by the police of the Netherlands to the Moldovan Interior Ministry.  



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