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Oxygen producing station inaugurated at hospital from southern Moldova

15:45 | 19.12.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 December /MOLDPRES/ - A station for producing medical oxygen today was inaugurated at the district hospital from Cimislia. The station, worth about 1.8 million lei, will produce 16 cubic metres of oxygen during one hour.   

According to the Health Ministry, within the implementation of the Health Component of the project, Emergency response to COVID-19 and support for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank, 35 stations for producing medical oxygen, meant for public hospitals of Moldova, were purchased in all; they have been already delivered and most of them were set.    

The stations will be used for producing oxygen continuously, in order to meet the needs of patients with respiratory problems and other diseases. These devices are essential in the treatment of patients with difficulties in getting enough oxygen. At the same time, the providing of medical institutions with oxygen producing stations will remove the earlier practice of dangerous use of cylinders, thus ensuring a high security of patients and of medical staff.   

The overall value of the stations for producing medical oxygen is of about 58.7 million lei.  



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