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Twenty three cases of influenza recorded in Moldova last week

16:34 | 19.12.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 December /MOLDPRES/ - Twenty three cases of seasonal influenza were registered on 11-17 December, confirmed through the way of laboratory and clinical and epidemiological ones.   

According to the National Public Health Agency (ANSP), the flu cases were recorded in Chisinau – 14; Anenii Noi and Briceni – two cases each; Balti, Cimislia, Edinet, Floresti and Taraclia – one case each. The cases were reported in people who belong to the following age categories: 0-4 years 98 cases), 5-14 years (7 cases), 15-29 years (4 cases); 30-60 years (4 cases).

Thirty six samples were investigated in ANSP laboratories in terms presence of flu viruses, non-flu viruses and SARS-CoV-2 and the presence of flu viruses was confirmed in 19 samples.   

Thirty six flu cases and 68,825 cases of viroses have been notified in Moldova since the beginning of the cold season.  



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