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Moldovan speaker talked to group of veterans

13:53 | 20.12.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Dec. 20 /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu had a meeting with a group of veterans. The talks were related to the state facilities for these citizens, as well as the opportunities to involve the authorities in strengthening the veterans, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

He said that the state's efforts are focused on supporting the veterans, who fought for the independence of the Republic of Moldova. "We were able to identify resources so that the allowance for veterans would be increased. I reiterated that the state is with the veterans and their concerns. We will always stand by those who sacrificed themselves for the country, and now parents who cannot be comforted in their old age, widowed wives, orphaned children need support", he said.

Another issue was the amendment to the Law on Veterans, as well as tools to promote patriotic education. He pointed out the involvement of veterans in the European path of Moldova.

"Thank you for helping us build Europe at home, and the European Council's decision last week to open the accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union is a result of the efforts made by all. Let's continue to work together to build a society based on freedom and mutual respect - a European Moldova", Grosu said.


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