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Moldovan Agriculture Ministry says 17 May last day for asking for AGGRI grants meant for cattle growers

10:57 | 10.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA) warns that 17 May 2024 is the deadline for submitting the applications for grants within the Agriculture Governance, Growth and Resilience Investment (AGGRI) Programme, meant for the producers from the animal husbandry sector (cattle growers).  

The grants, with a value of up to one million dollars, and which cover up to 50 per cent of the eligible investments’ costs, are meant for: construction or modernization of the animal husbandry infrastructure; purchasing of new equipment; implementation of fodder processing units; procurement of breeding animals; investments in the energy efficiency, including biogas stations and setting of photovoltaic panels, MAIA said.   

To get the grant, the applicants should meet the following conditions: to be registered and work on the territory controlled by Moldova’s authorities, including in the Dubasari district, placed beyond the Rabnita-Tiraspol highway, except for the Chisinau and Balti municipalities, under the legislation in force.  

Also, the applicants should be legal holders of immovable and movable assets which make the object of stimulation through the grant mechanism, with a term of lease/loan of at least five years; should hold an economically and financially viable business plan for a period of at least 5 years; should take commitment to financially contribute with at least 50 per cent of the value of the investment sub-project.    

An important aspect of the grants programme is the imposing of the 0 quota of value added tax (VAT) for the investments financed through the grant, as well as possibility to benefit from subsidies on behalf of the state.

The full list of the eligibility criteria, as well as the documents which are to be submitted along with the application can be accessed on MAIA’s website and the files will be submitted to the territorial departments of the Agency of Intervention and Payments for Agriculture.



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