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Leadership of Moldova's Post state enterprise explains cyber attack to which enterprise was subjected

13:10 | 10.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Posta Moldovei (Moldova’s Post) on 20 February 2024 was subjected to a cyber attack of the ‘’ransomware’’ type. Immediate as decision-makers had found out the first indexes of a cyber attack against the enterprise’s critical IT infrastructure, a decision was taken to manually disconnect it at the central level, along with the blocking of the networks and the access from outside and inside. The acting manager of the Moldova’s Post state enterprise, Violeta Cojocaru, has made statements to this effect in an interview given with an economic magazine, when referring to the cyber attack to which the enterprise was subjected.        

According to the official, ‘’the scanning of the infrastructure inside was made, in order to make sure that all infected files and compromised systems were remedied; subsequently, the scanning of the critical vulnerabilities from outside was carried out, in order to close the breaches. At present, the IT team in charge of the servers and networks initiated the process of reestablishment of the critical services and systems.’’   

In the process of reestablishment, the IT infrastructure was restructured, including several ‘’hard’’ components were renovated, in order to ensure a more efficient cyber security. ‘’We focused, primordially, on the reestablishment of the services with major social impact and are priority in the servicing process. The reestablishment of the services is a complex process, given that the enterprise manages more information systems, the support of which is provided by the contractual partners,’’ Violeta Cojocaru noted.  

Additionally, the team of Moldova’s Post state enterprise was helped by representatives of other state institutions in this process.




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