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Moldovan foreign affairs ministry answers to charges launched by Russian foreign affairs ministry's representative

15:59 | 10.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - It is absolutely distressing when a Russian official tries to teach us who are we and what language we speak. Any other ‘’historical comparisons’’ made by Zakharova look like rather a hallucinating raving. The Moldovan Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) today made specifications to this effect, in the context of recent statements made by the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Maria Zakharova.  

MAE stressed that the statements by Zakharova about the Language spoken in Moldova cannot be taken seriously, as the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry ‘’is not an expert in linguistics.’’

„Maria Zakharova seems to be willing to comment on any subject, including on the ones which are not within the area of her research. In 2003, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova maintained a thesis of doctor titled, Transformation of the concept of symbolism in marking the traditional New Year in modern China. We presume that, as regards the peculiarities of the New Year holiday, she is unsurpassable. ‘’Any other ‘’historical comparisons’’ made by Zakharova look like rather a hallucinating raving,’’ MAE said.      

„It is absolutely distressing when a Russian official tries to teach us who are we and what language we speak, showing an utter lack of respect for our people. The real problem is that Maria Zakharova has forgotten what is honesty and correctness for a long time, which reduces to zero the value of the messages launched by her,’’ the institution specified.    

In an interview given to a news agency from Russia, Maria Zakharova said that ‘’the Moldovan language, at one blow by the Sandu government, was transformed into the Romanian language and these actions would represent elements of genocide against an entire people.’’  



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