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Moldovan economy minister says most plums imported by European Union are from Moldova

18:51 | 10.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - Most plums imported by the European Union are from Moldova.  More exactly, 25 per cent of the plums sold in EU are Moldovan. Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba today unveiled figures to this effect.    

According to the official, in 2023 alone, Moldova exported plums worth 35  million euros – money collected by producers from Moldova.

Two years ago, the European Union removed the quotas for seven Moldovan agricultural products, among which the plums too.  

„Sixty thousand grown, harvested and exported by our entrepreneurs or four-fold more against the quota of 15,000 tons two years ago. We exceeded the quotas by four times and there is still area for growing! This achievement is the merit of the hard-working people of this country and proves that the highly qualitative Moldovan products are appreciated and sought on the international market. This is the economy we want! In which the entrepreneurs have access to markets and can assert themselves on the world market. And we work on this every day. We back them with reforms, with financing, with access to new markets. And yes, we can much more,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.       

According to statistics data, EU is the principal commercial partner of Moldova. 





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