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Anaesthesia and Intensive Therapy Section of Balti-based Clinical hospital capitally repaired

20:12 | 10.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Anaesthesia and Intensive Therapy Section (ATI) of the Balti-based Clinical Hospital today was inaugurated after the capital repair.    

According to the Health Ministry, the ATI section was modernized and endowed according to the European standards. It will work on 20 beds and will provide highly qualified medical assistance to all patients in critical condition, with cardiovascular, neurological and surgical pathologies.   

„The Balti Clinical Hospital becomes a point of reference, having the biggest ATI Section from the northern region of the country, which will take over and provide cares of high performance to seriously ill patients from the nearby districts,’’ the Health Ministry informed.   

The capital repair of the ATI section was carried out within the World Bank’s project, Emergency Response to COVID-19, in Moldova, managed by the Health Ministry. The cost of the project on renovation and endowment with last generation equipment was of about 29 million lei. Works of repair of 11 ATI sections worth about 187.2 million lei were carried out at the strategic medical institutions of Moldova.        

The Health Ministry in the last two years has invested about 170 million lei in the Balti-based Clinical Hospital, both from its own resources and with the support of foreign partners. The projects are part of the plan on the modernization of the health system.     







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