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46 schools to be renovated to ensure energy efficiency standards

14:06 | 14.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 14 /MOLDPRES/- 46 schools across the country will be renovated with financial support of external partners to ensure energy efficiency standards. Members of the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and European integration have approved the consultative opinions for initiating negotiations of grant and loan agreements between the Republic of Moldova and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The financial assistance amounts to $54.5 million. 4.5 million will be provided in the form of a grant for technical assistance and support for project implementation, while the remaining amount will be provided as a loan.

The largest part of the amount, $35 million, will be used to renovate 46 schools. 

In addition, $15 million will be allocated for the modernisation of the centralised heat supply system of Chisinau municipality. 

The project will be implemented by 2029. Loan maturity, grace period and interest rate will be variable and will be determined at a later stage. 


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