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Moldova, EU to sign security and defence agreement

13:28 | 14.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 14 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Republic of Moldova and the European Union will conclude "in the near future" a Security and Defence Partnership, which is "a political arrangement on increased cooperation in security and defence", in line with the objectives set out in our country's National Security Strategy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) made the statement today.

The partnership will operate as an umbrella arrangement for all interactions between Moldova and the EU in areas such as EU assistance to strengthen our country's resilience, cybersecurity, combating disinformation, assistance to the defence sector through the European Peace Facility, Moldova's participation in EU crisis management missions, integrated border management.

The European Union is under establishing such partnerships with a number of countries with which it has reached a more intensive level of cooperation.



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