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Activist Victor Plescanov deprived of freedom in June 2022 by Tiraspol forces released from detention

12:57 | 17.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 17 /MOLDPRES/ - Activist Victor Plescanov, who was deprived of freedom on June 10, 2022 by Tiraspol law enforcement bodies has been released from detention. The information was confirmed today by the Reintegration Policy Office, which welcomed the decision. The authorities in Chisinau urged Tiraspol to follow up  "appeals on other individual cases of concern with the prompt release of other Moldovan citizens".

According to the institution, Victor Plescanov's case has been kept in the permanent sights of Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration and the Reintegration Policy Office, with all possible efforts being undertaken jointly with external partners and with constant awareness-raising of the participants in the Transnistrian settlement negotiations and the political representative in Tiraspol.

"In our appeals we reiterated the demand for the immediate and unconditional release of citizen Victor Plescanov from illegal detention, the restoration of his fundamental rights and freedoms, the provision of necessary medical assistance," the Reintegration Policy Bureau said.

At the same time, the institution thanked the OSCE Mission to Moldova, the embassies of the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union member states in the Republic of Moldova, the Promo-LEX Association, human rights defenders and all those who have constantly monitored the case.

Activist Victor Plescanov was sentenced to prison in the Transnistrian region for "inciting extremism" after writing on a social network "Glory to Ukraine! Death to RMN". The man was sentenced to 3 years and 2 months in prison. He was detained in Tiraspol's penitentiary No 3.


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