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Moldovan Infrastructure Ministry informs about 3 million euros on behalf of UNICEF for modern sanitary units in 125 schools from Moldova

20:44 | 17.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will receive a grant worth three million euros on behalf of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), meant for the rehabilitation/construction of the infrastructure of supply with water, sanitation and hygiene in 125 schools from Moldova. To this end, an action plan was signed today, which lays the foundations of the partnership between the Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry (MIDR) and UNICEF Moldova.     

The document sees the providing of technical assistance and a grant amounting to three million euros on behalf of UNICEF for the counteraction, implementation and supervision of the works of rehabilitation and/or construction of infrastructure in the schools selected: inside sanitary units, installations for washing hands, water-purifying stations, etc.  

The competent ministry of Moldova will ensure the carrying out of the works established in the action plan through the National Office of Regional and Local Development.





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