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President of Moldova, leaders of Germany discuss Moldovan-German cooperation

19:34 | 17.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 17 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu is on a working visit to Germany on 17-18 May. Today in Berlin, the head of state met German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas and members of the parliamentary committees on foreign affairs and European affairs.     

„Germany is a strong and important ally of Moldova on its way to the European Union, democracy and prosperity,’’ the Moldovan president said.    

In particular, the head of state discussed the cooperation in the economic sector, which is to help for the development of the economy and the creation of safe and well-paid jobs. Given that Germany is one of the principal commercial partner and an important source of investments for Moldova, the authorities are set to deepen these economic relations. 

„The German leaders back Moldova’s accession to EU, so that the citizens live in peace, good understanding and prosperity. Our European aspirations and the reforms which we carry out represented an important subject of the today’s discussions. In the context, I invited Chancellor Olaf Scholz to come to Chisinau, in order to see the steps which we make on our road of modernization, ‘’ President Maia Sandu said.   

At the same time, the president stressed that she was on visit to Berlin also to convey a strong message of gratitude to all German citizens. ‘’Their country was with us in the crises of the last two years, by providing support due to which we improve the quality of living in Moldova, invest in infrastructure, advance reforms and consolidate the state’s security, so that our citizens are in safety,’’ Maia Sandu added.   

The head of state and Chancellor Olaf Scholz gave a joint news conference. Here are the press statements by President Maia Sandu.









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