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Moldovan president meets residents of central district's commune, on settlement's Dedication Day

20:19 | 21.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today met residents of the Fundul Galbenei commune, who mark the settlement’s Dedication Day, during her visit to the central Hancesti district. On this occasion, the head of state wished the villagers good health and success in the fulfillment of the initiatives on the community’s development.      

„The local authorities started the modernization of the sewerage system through the European Village programme and a kindergarten attended by 108 children is repaired within the Express European Village programme. The local residents want good roads and the endowment of the sports hall. We will continue to work for better living standards in our settlements and we will succeed this by preserving the peace and good understanding in the country,’’ the Moldovan president stressed.      







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