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Liberalization of exports of Moldovan products to United Kingdom extended by five years

17:35 | 23.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 23 May /MOLDPRES/ - More Moldovan agricultural products will reach the British market, without tariff contingents. The facilities will be enforced for a period of another five years. This will be possible, after a Protocol on the amendment of the Agreement on Strategic Partnership, Trade and Cooperation between Moldova and the United Kingdom was signed in Chisinau today.     

The protocol sees the extension of the liberalization of the commerce with Moldova through the full elimination of the customs duties on the import of  agricultural products coming from Moldova to the United Kingdom for a period of five years. The products subjected to quantitative limitations, under the Agreement on Strategic Partnership, Trade and Cooperation, are the table grapes, fresh apples, sweet cherries, plums, grape juice, tomatoes and garlic. Besides, the initiative stipulates also the removal of the provisions as regards the capping of the entry prices for the farming products indicated in the Agreement, such as: cucumbers, pumpkins, pears, apricots, peaches.      

„We extend by another five years the import of products from Moldova to the market of the United Kingdom, which represents a huge opportunity for our farmers! This means access to a market of more than 66 million consumers. In one year since we have signed this Agreement alone, we saw an extremely quick dynamic: the export of plums to the United Kingdom grew 11-fold in one year, the export of table grapes doubled, exports of apples and sweet cherries were registered, which did not reach the market of the UK in the previous years,’’ Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said.

The initiative on the liberalization of the imports of products from Moldova comes on behalf of the United Kingdom, as a sign of solidarity and support for Moldova. ‘’We continue to be with Moldova in moments of ordeal and resistance to the Russian aggression. We are your friends and also a reliable commercial partner. The tariffs’ liberalization is part of a big package of measures which the United Kingdom agreed upon with Moldova in the last months. Beyond this agreement, the support provided by the United Kingdom amounts to 30 million pounds and helps Moldova back the Ukrainian refugees, consolidate its security against cyber attacks, combat the pro-Russian propaganda, reform the armed forces, edify a stronger economy and fight corruption. The United Kingdom will continue supporting Moldova as long as needed,’’ Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Moldova, Her Excellency Fern Horine said.     

The measure of liberalization of the trade on the market of the UK was enforced for one year on 31 July 2023. It will expire on 31 July 2024, being followed a period of another five years – period established in the protocol signed today.   

According to statistics data, in 2023, the United Kingdom ranked 19th among the trade partners of Moldova in the world. The value of the foreign commerce of Moldova with the UK, recorded in 2023, amounted to 115.7 million dollars. As many as 235 enterprises with English capital work in Moldova. The United Kingdom is on the eighth position among the principal investors in Moldova, in terms of the value of the investments in the share capital.  


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