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52 polling stations to be opened in Moldova for 9 June elections

11:31 | 24.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/- On 9 June, Romanian citizens are invited to elect 33 members of the European Parliament. 52 polling stations will be open in Moldova, 13 of them in Chisinau.

According to the Romanian Embassy in Chisinau, 52 polling stations will be open in the Republic of Moldova, of which 28 in the central area (13 in Chisinau), 17 in the north and 7 in the south, which represents a substantial percentage increase compared to the previous electoral year.

In the European Parliament elections on 9 June, voting starts at 7.00 and ends at 22.00. Voters who are at the polling station at 22.00, as well as those who are queuing outside the polling station to enter the polling station, can exercise their right to vote until 23.59 local time.

There were 36 polling stations opened in the 2019 elections in Moldova.


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