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Five more candidates for CSP Colleges to be heard by Prosecutors Evaluation Commission

13:05 | 24.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 24 /MOLDPRES/ - The Prosecutors Evaluation Commission announced it has invited five candidates for the colleges of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) to hearings. All five aspire to the position of member of the College for the selection and evaluation of prosecutors within the CSP.

Prosecutors Marcel Dimitraș, Mariana Gornea, Cornel Lavciuc, Alexandru Nichita and Constantin Șușu will be heard next week. The latter is also running for the position of member of the Discipline and Ethics College of the CSP.

The assessment of candidates for membership in the self-administrative bodies of prosecutors, represented by the High Council of Prosecutors and its specialised colleges, is carried out under the Law No 26/2022 and the Commission Regulation. So far, the Commission has issued decisions on five candidates.


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