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PHOTO Ukrainian national record: biggest Moldova's national flag from Ukraine hoisted in Odessa region

16:28 | 24.05.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s national flag has been the subject of a new record registered at the National Council of Records from Ukraine. The country’s flag noted the first-ever characteristic features for the Ukraine and was hoisted at the regional conference, Bessarabian Technological Hub – Engine of Digital Transformation before Accession to EU of the administrative territories from south-eastern Moldova and the Odessa region, Ukraine, held on 23-24 May.      

The event takes place on the area of the agro-tourist Frumusica Nova boarding house from the Borodino community, Bolgrad region.

The national record of Ukraine, National Flag of Moldova, registered as the biggest one from the neighbour country, is regarded by the Ukrainian side as ‘’a small gratitude for our Moldovan neighbours, who prove a huge support for Ukraine on a quite difficult period for the country, after it was invaded by Russia.’’   

The Flag of Moldova, registered in the Book of Records of Ukraine, has a height of three metres and a width of six metres.  

The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova, the tricolour, combines the old sign of the Principality of Moldavia, the heraldic head of aurochs, with those three colours of Romania’s flag which, resembling the ones of Andorra and Chad, also tricolor blue-yellow-red, seems to have been partially inspired from the flag of France. The flag of Moldova differs from the Romanian one by the proportion between the width and length (1:2 of Moldova, against 2:3 of Romania), through the hue of the blue colour (cobalt blue in Romania) and through the presence of the coat of arms of Moldova on the yellow colour.       

Correspondent Lilia Grubii, Ukraine





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