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Regional Development Council of Gagauzia set up today

14:24 | 24.05.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Regional Development Council of Gagauzia was set up today at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Minister Andrei Spînu made the statement.

"Over the last three years, more than 190 million lei have been allocated for regional and local development projects (European Village) in Comrat, Vulcanesti and Ceadir-Lunga districts. We will continue to support projects for the people in the villages and towns of the region," said Spînu.

Serghei Anastasov, Mayor of Comrat, was elected President of the Council, while Nicolai Posmac, Mayor of Vulcanesti, was elected Vice-President. 


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