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Head of state congratulates Moldovan sportspeople who got performances at European U-23 Wrestling Championships

14:58 | 27.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has come up with a congratulatory message for the Moldovan sportspeople who good results at the European U-23 Wrestling Championships, held in Baku. Irina Ringaci returned home with golden medal and became European champion again, the information and media communication department of the Moldovan President’s Apparatus reported.    

„At the age of only 22 years, Irina is already triple European champion and world champion at this age category, as well as world and European champion in seniors. We know that her dream is an Olympic medal; we will back her at the Paris Olympic Games, due next summer,’’ President Maia Sandu said.   

Radu Lefter also brought gold home, as he achieved a historical result for Moldova. Radu is the first Moldovan sportsman to win gold in free-style wrestling at a U-23 European championship. The president congratulated also Mihaela Samoil, Serghei Cilcic, Constantin Chirilov and Ion Demian, who won bronze medals and due to whom Moldova’s flag was hoisted more times at the competition.      

„Dear sportspeople, you are true ambassadors of our country in the world. You have managed to edify successful careers through effort and perseverance and we thank you for the fact that, through your example, you prove that the honest work brings results and that Moldova is able,’’ the head of state also said.    



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