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DOC Moldova to receive 40 million euro - loan from French Development Agency

11:44 | 28.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, May 28 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will receive a loan of 40 million euros from the French Development Agency. The law on ratification of the Credit Facility Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the French Development Agency was published in the Official Journal today.

The document stipulates that the French Development Agency will provide support to the Republic of Moldova for the reform and modernization of the forestry sector in accordance with European Union regulations and acquis.

In 2024-2025, the Republic of Moldova will benefit from a loan of 40 million euros, granted in two instalments. Our country will also receive a grant of €1.2 million. The loan is granted to Moldova for 15 years, with a grace period of 5 years.

The credit facility agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the French Development Agency was signed in Paris on 7 March 2024.




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