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Athletes of national para-athletics team in TOP 10 at World Championships

12:06 | 28.05.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, May 28 /MOLDPRES/- Four athletes of the national para-athletics team placed in the TOP 10 in the events they competed in at the World Championships held in Kobe, Japan. The best result was achieved by Vladimir Butucea, a participant in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, who ranked 7th in the shot put, F12 class.

Gheorghe Spînu also achieved the same performance in the shot put, only in the F35 class, while Adrian Zabulica ranked 10th in the F37 class.

Another representative of our country - Evelina Cristina Crețu took part in three running events (100 m, 200 m and 400 m), in T12. Her best result was in 400 m distance, where she ranked 8th.

In the javelin throwing event, Ion Cernei finished 13th in the F13 class.

Around 1000 athletes participated in the World Para Athletics Championships in Japan.


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