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Moldovan diplomacy head meets speaker of Lithuanian Seimas

18:22 | 28.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi, during his visit to Vilnius, has had a meeting with Speaker of Lithuania’s Seimas (parliament) Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s (MAE) press service reported.     

The officials discussed the agenda of reforms implemented by the Moldovan authorities to modernize Moldova, the progress made in the European integration sector, as well as the steps undertaken by the country to overcome the current challenges.  

„I thanked the speaker of the Seimas and the leaders of the parliamentary committees for backing Moldova in the process of starting the negotiations on accession to the European Union.  

The speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas welcomed the progress achieved by Moldova and reiterated Lithuania’s support for the country’s European integration way.   

Attending the meeting, the heads of the parliamentary committees on foreign affairs and on economy, Žygimantas Pavilionis and Kazys Starkevičius, said that they were willing to cooperate with the Moldovan parliament as intensely as possible.  

„I am happy that Moldova’s parliament has a good cooperation with the Lithuanian legislative body and organizes regular meetings in Vilnius and Chisinau. The active parliamentary diplomacy has an important role in the promotion of the friendship relations between Moldova and Lithuania,’’ the Moldovan official said.    


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