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Group of people from Shor organization attempts to block Dacia Blvd from Chisinau, in context of visit by U.S. Secretary of State

14:58 | 29.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 May /MOLDPRES/ - A group of people from the Shor organization, preponderantly coming from the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia (UTA Gagauzia), have blocked the Dacia blvd. from the Moldovan capital.   

The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) said that ‘’they abusively ignored the Chisinau city hall’s decision and the requirements of the police not to block the roadway, and for this reason, the organizers were led to the Police Inspectorate for documentation.’’

The measure was imposed by the police, in the context of the official visit to Moldova by Secretary of State of the United States Antony Blinken. The movement restriction was established for the period of the movement of the official procession from the Chisinau International Airport.     

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken today pays a visit to Chisinau. This is the second visit by the official to Moldova, after the one paid in March 2022.  



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