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Moldovan, U.S. officials approach cooperation, reforms

11:19 | 30.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, May 30 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova has the strategic goal of becoming part of the big European family and the US is with us to transform the country and become a full member of the European Union. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement. He jointly with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Braila power station, where with US support, batteries energy storage will be installed, which will stabilize the system if needed.

Recean said that the US is helping Moldova to overcome problems on various dimensions, especially in the energy sector. "Here we are to launch a new project with an investment of $85 million of the $300 million - US - aid. This investment will ensure the energy security of the Republic of Moldova when there will be grid problems, either due to internal systems or due to the bombings that today continue on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, with which the Republic of Moldova is integrated. A similar amount was offered last year by the US so that the government could offset high energy prices in bill," said Recean.

The Prime Minister added that US aid is not limited to the energy sector. "The US is involved in Moldova's effort to build an economically strong country, a country with resilient institutions. The help and contribution of the US to justice reform, fight against corruption and constant assistance in the economic development is priceless. If we talk about the wine industry, IT industry, tourism development, everywhere we will find a significant contribution of programmes offered through USAID," he said.

Blinken said the U.S. "is committed to respecting Moldova's sovereignty and its success as a prosperous and democratic country rooted in Europe and the West." "Important in this regard is energy security. We saw in the Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine how they turned energy into a weapon, which is actually a danger to national security. So a big part of our work with Moldova is to help it build energy security. With this project launched today we want to help Moldova build its infrastructure. These large-scale storage batteries, which can store energy, make a big difference in stabilising the grid, increasing the use of renewables and ultimately integrating into European markets. This $85 million fund will be a catalyst in attracting investment from the private sector and other countries. At the same time, this is a project that will strengthen the capacity of high-voltage transmission lines, especially the interconnection between Moldova and Romania, which will strengthen interconnectivity with Europe and integration into the European network. These reforms to which Moldova is committed will attract further private investment, create jobs and ensure energy security, which is also an important factor in ensuring independence," said Blinken.

Blinken visited Moldova yesterday. 



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