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Moldovan government organizes interactive program at Botanical Garden on Children's Day

12:01 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 30 /MOLDPRES/- On Children's Day, marked on June 1, the government has prepared a special program, due on Saturday at the Botanical Garden in the capital. Entry is free and the first 3,000 visitors will receive free ice cream, local juices and other sweets.

"On June 1, from 10.00 am, the Botanical Garden will host the children's program Celebrating childhood together. There will be exhibitions, workshops, activities for children, presentation of the intervention techniques of colleagues from different public institutions, there will be a show from the dog service and other surprises. We invite parents and children to join the activities organized by the Government at the Botanical Garden", Government spokesman Daniel Voda said.

International Children's Day is celebrated in Moldova on 1 June. It is celebrated in almost 50 countries. 


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