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Czech government to support new agricultural project

11:47 | 30.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/- The Czech government will continue cooperation with Moldova, proposing to launch a new project in the agricultural sector, adjusted to national needs. This was discussed at a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA), and Michal Minčev, Director of the Czech Development Agency.

They agreed that in the coming period, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry will decide on the direction of the new project, which is scheduled to start next year.

The officials also assessed the progress of current projects funded by the Czech government and identified new opportunities for cooperation.

Michal Minčev underlined "the potential of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova and the importance of its development. The official brought up the positive experience of the Czech Republic, where the Chambers of Agriculture have been functioning effectively since the 1990s and their members are enjoying the benefits of membership," according to MAIA.

For his part, Bolea noted that in the Republic of Moldova, the Chambers of Agriculture are still in the early stages of creation and European models are being analyzed in order to take over the most efficient system.

Currently, Czech-supported projects are underway in our country, with an investment of over three million euros.


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