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Report on performance of National Agency for Settlement of Claims for 2023 unveiled in Moldovan parliament

15:26 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today heard the report on the performance of the National Agency for Settlement of Claims (ANSC) for the 2023 year. The director of the institution, Angela Nani, unveiled the concerned information.    

According to the report, last year, 927 contestations were settled at ANSC and 846 decisions were pronounced.  Statistics data shows that the estimated value of the procedures of public procurement contested by economic operators decreased by 20 per cent against the same period of the 2022 year.

In 2023, the highest share of submitting contestations was recorded on the period April-September. As many as 49.9 per cent of the contestations had the object the acquisition of assets, 38.7 per cent – the works, 11.7 per cent – providing of services. Most contestations were submitted on the procedures of open tender, followed by the contestations on the public procurement procedure through the demand of price bids and the low-value procurements.  

Among the authorities against whom pretensions were filed as for the procedure of public procurements, there is the Centre for Centralized Public Procurements in Health, Public Services Agency, Material Reserves Agency, the Railway of Moldova state enterprise, Termoelectrica.   

The ANSC’s performance report also contains information on the ensuring of the decision-making transparency, institutional and international cooperation, management of human resources, fulfillment of the budgetary allocations, goals set for the 2024 year.   



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