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Over 50 forensic physicians, scientific researchers of Moldova, from abroad to participate in symposium organized by Nicolae Testemitanu Medical University

16:45 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) will hold an international symposium titled, Domestic and gender-based violence, the tenth edition.    

The event is organized by the forensic medicine department, in partnership with the Osteuropaverein Rechtsmedizin Society of Forensic Physicians from Germany and the Forensic Medicine Centre of Moldova.   

The international symposium will take place on 31 May this year, in the session hall No 204 of the central teaching block (Stefan cel Mare Blvd. 165), starting from 9:30.   

The forum will bring together over 50 forensic physicians and scientific researchers from Moldova, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Ukraine. They will tackle subjects on the domestic and gender-based violence and will exchange knowledge and experience in the field.   

More information can be found in the event’s schedule.  



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