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Moldovans living in Spain to be able to benefit from pensions, other social benefits; agreements enters into force on 1 June

17:58 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Agreement between Moldova and the Kingdom of Spain in the social security sector and the Arrangement on its enforcement will enter into force on 1 June, 2024. The documents were signed in Madrid on 21 July 2022.  

The goal of the documents is to establish a framework of guarantees in the field of social insurances for the migrant workers from both states, who carry out of carried out a legal labour activity and presently reside on the territory of one of the two contracting states.    

Under the Agreement, the beneficiaries will have right to ask for old age pensions, pensions of disability caused by a general disease, disability pensions and allowances in the wake of labour accidents or caused by professional diseases, as well as survivor pensions.  

At establishing the right to pension, decision-makers will totalize the periods of insurance carried out on the territory of both states. At the same time, each contracting state will pay the part of pension calculated for the period of work carried out on its territory. The concerned part of the pension will be delivered to the person on the territory of the state where he/she resides.  

Presently, the National Social Insurances House enforces the provisions of the international agreements in the social security field signed with the following states: Romania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Austria,  Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Belgium, Lithuania, Germany, Turkey, Belarus, Greece and Italy.   


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