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Moldovan MPs ratify agreement with Spain on mutual recognition of driver's licences

17:05 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The driver’s licences issued by Moldova’s authorities will be recognized in the Kingdom of Spain and vice versa. The parliament today ratified the Agreement on the mutual recognition and conversion of the national driver’s licences, concluded between Moldova and Spain.      

Thus, both the citizens of Moldova and the ones of Spain will have right to convert their driver’s licence, by observing the condition that they observe the administrative formalities established by the normative documents of both states.  

According to the authorities, over 18,000 Moldovan citizens who live in Spain will be able to benefit from this Agreement, which will be signed for an indefinite period.

So far, Moldova has signed similar agreements with another three states – Lithuania, Turkey and Italy.


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