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Moldova to cooperate with France in defence sector

17:29 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today ratified the Agreement on cooperation in the defence sector with France. The document was signed in Paris on 7 March 2024.   

The initiative on the conclusion of such an agreement in the defence field belongs to France and was expressed following the holding of the second Summit of the European Political Community in Chisinau in 2023.

The agreement provides for the cooperation in such sectors as the policy and planning of defence, reform of the armed forces, control and management of the air space, military medicine, etc. The cooperation will have the following forms: official visits and working meetings, exchanges of experience, consultations, specializations, joint trainings and exercises.   

Also, based on the new agreement, the authorities will elaborate, each year, a plan on bilateral cooperation, which will include details on the actions and number of people involved in their carrying out.   

The agreement will be signed for an indefinite period.



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