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Procedures dealing with succession to be able to be carried by any notary of Moldova

19:47 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The acts dealing with the issuance of the certificate of successor or the certificates which regard the succession will no longer be the exclusive competence of the notary from the place of the opening of the succession. The procedures in this respect will be able to be carried out by any notary from Moldova. The amendments are contained in a draft law adopted by the parliament in the second reading today, backed by 73 lawmakers.     

The draft provides for the exclusion of the exclusive territorial competence in terms of the succession procedure. The draft was elaborated by a group of MPs of the Action and Solidarity Party. The authors say that, at present, citizens’ access to the notary services of this kind is limited with no justification.   

Respectively, to open the succession procedure, the concerned people will be able to submit an application to any notary from the country. This is possible due to the creation of the electronic Register of the files on succession and wills, as well as the fact that notaries have access to different electronic registers. Also, at a joint request of the simple majority of the successors, the notary will be able to transmit the succession procedure to another notary. ‘’This will encourage a competitive spirit and will ensure an improvement of the quality of services and a diminution of costs,’’ reads the informative note to the draft.

The document will enter into force following the creation of the technical conditions and making the necessary modifications in the information system, Electronic register of the files on succession and wills, but not later than six months after the date of publication in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).  



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