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Moldovan parliament adopts Declaration on condemnation of Russia for deportation of Ukrainian children

20:31 | 30.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s parliament today adopted a Declaration, thereby condemning ‘’Russia’s policy of genocide against Ukraine, carried out through the forcible displacement and deportation of Ukrainian children on the temporarily occupied arears of Ukraine and on the territory of the Russian Federation.’’ Sixty MPs voted for the document.     

The Declaration condemns Russia’s aggression war against Ukraine, which resulted in many casualties among the civilians, with millions of internally displaced people and refugees. Also, the document reads that hundreds of children were killed and thousands of children were injured, as they are the most unprotected casualties of the aggression. Moreover, almost two thirds of the children from Ukraine became internally displaced people and about two million children along with their mothers had to take refuge to other states.     

„Moldova joins other parliaments, which adopted similar declarations, such as the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, France, Iceland, the USA and Canada,’’ one of the authors of the declaration, lawmaker Doina Gherman said.

The signatories of the Declaration reconfirm Moldova’s commitment to ensure the access of the children refugees from Ukraine to education in the mother language, to the Ukrainian cultural space, of preserving of their national identity and the spiritual relations with Ukraine. Respectively, this declaration reconfirms the Moldovan authorities’ availability to provide, in continuation, humanitarian assistance to the refugees from Ukraine and calls for the joining of the efforts of the democratic world, of the international humanitarian organizations for the identification, localization and repatriation of the forcibly displaced and deported children to Ukraine.   

According to official information by the competent authorities from Ukraine, after the war started in the neighbour country, 537 children were killed, 1,275 were wounded, 2,067 were reported missed, 19,546 were kidnaped by the state aggressor and about 260,000 children were forcibly displaced.  



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