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Moldovan president attends opening of GLIA Impact Hub

12:23 | 31.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 31 /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu participated in the inauguration of the Innovation Centre GLIA Impact Hub, the presidential press service has reported.

"Economic growth is also based on the growth of the community of women entrepreneurs, women leaders who innovate, create, lead companies. I welcome the establishment of GLIA Impact Hub at ASEM, which will promote female entrepreneurship and serve as a platform for encouragement, learning and cooperation for young women in Moldova," said the President.

Maia Sandu encouraged young students, women to hope, to dream, to contribute to the common good and to build their future the way they want it.

"It takes perseverance and hard work, confidence in one's own strengths, as well as support from the family, the community. We support you - move the world!", said the head of state.








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