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PM congratulates EU Partnership Mission in Moldova on marking one year of work

15:15 | 31.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 31 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has had a meeting with the representatives of the EU Partnership Mission in Moldova (EUPM), led by Cosmin Dinescu.

On the occasion of one year of the EUPM’s work, the prime minister expressed gratitude for the contribution to the consolidation of the crisis management structures from Moldova and enhancement of the resilience of the national institutions to the hybrid threats. The PM reiterated that Moldova’s strategic goal was the accession to the European Union.    

„The overwhelming majority of our citizens understand that Europe means peace, security and prosperity,’’ the prime minister stressed.   

EU Partnership Mission in Moldova is the first civilian mission within the common security and defence policy established in the country. The Mission has an initial mandate of two years, which can be renewed through the decision by the European Union member states.  




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