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Moldovan PM joins more than two million citizens census of whom was taken at population at housing census

15:34 | 02.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today joined those more than two million citizens the census of whom was taken at the population and housing census held in Moldova during 8 April – 7 July.  

„I fulfilled my duty of citizen and answered the questions put by Angela, census taker at the national census. I encourage everybody to actively participate and provide correct information to the census takers. Only together, we can edify a better and more prosperous future for all citizens,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.  

The population and housing census was launched on 8 April and will be carried out till 7 July 2024. On this time interval, about 4,000 census takers are to go from home to home, in order to collect data about the population and its characteristic features, such as age, gender, ethnic affiliation, education level, occupation, etc., as well as the dwellings and the living conditions, such as the endowment with sewerage system and water supply, way of heating.   

According to the National Statistics Bureau, till 30 May 2024, census was taken of  about 1 million 476,000 dwellings (including the occupied, secondary and non-occupied dwellings) and about 2 million 167,000 people.  



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