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Moldovagaz company to purchase gas from Energocom at price of 349 euros per 1,000 cubic metres in June

09:49 | 03.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldovagaz today informed that the price for purchasing natural gas from the Energocom Company will be of 349.79 euros per 1,000 cubic metres in June.   

„In accordance with the contractual conditions for the procurement of natural gas between the Moldovagaz and Energocom stock companies, in June 2024, the purchasing price will be of 32.87 euros/MWh, which is equivalent to 349.79 euros for 1,000 cubic metres or 6,750.9 lei per 1,000 cubic metres (without value added tax (VAT)), proceeding from the maximal caloric power of 10.64 kWh for one cubic metre and of the current exchange rate,’’ the head of Moldovagaz, Vadim Ceban, said.     

For last May, the price for purchasing natural gas from Energocom was of 331.22 euros for 1,000 cubic metres.



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