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Power station from southern Moldova to be extended

11:03 | 03.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Vulcanesti Power Station of 400 kV, managed by the Moldelectrica state enterprise, is to be extended through the construction of an additional cell of 400 kV, necessary for the connection of the Vulcanesti-Chisinau overhead power line. An international tender to this effect has been repeatedly launched by the Consolidated Unit for the Implementation and Monitoring of Projects in the Field of Energy (UCIPE).      

According to UCIPE director Ruslan Surugiu, the concerned works, as well as the investment package which provides for the modernization of the Chisinau power station will allow connecting the 400 kV Vulcanesti-Chisinau overhead power line, which is under construction.     

„The measures are necessary for ensuring the country’s energy security, including due to the possibility to ensure the cross-border transports of energy between Moldova and the European Union, through Romania. Due to this draft law, we will reduce the energy dependence of Moldova, including the dependence on the Kuchurgan power station, placed in the Transnistrian region,’’ Ruslan Surugiu said.   

The works are part of the Project on Development of the Electric Energy System and fits the urgent measures of the Moldovan government and the Energy Ministry, aimed at ensuring the energy security of the country. The project’s value is of 61 million euros and is financed by International Development Agency, World Bank Group.

The concerned procedure of tender was repeated, proceeding from the non-compliance of the bids at the first tender with the technical requirements from the tender book.  



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