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PHOTO Fire in Chisinau-based apartment block. Three persons evacuated

22:02 | 03.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - Three persons were evacuated in the wake of a fire which occurred in an apartment block on Drumul Viilor Street from the Moldovan capital today afternoon.   

According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the open flame was noticed at the fourth floor of the block of flats.  

„Five teams of rescuers and firemen were sent to the spot. They found out that more material assets were burning in a chamber of the flat. During the intervention, the rescuers evacuated three persons from the upper floors, thus avoiding their intoxication,’’ IGSU said.   

The firemen managed to bring the fire under control at 18:23. Presently, IGSU employees work on the spot, in order to fully liquidate the fire. The reason and the circumstances of the fire are to be established by specialists.  







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