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Last days' rains cause damages in more settlements of Moldova

09:59 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - More damages were registered in Moldova in the wake of the heavy rains recorded during 30 May – 3 June 2024.   

According to data collected from territorial subdivisions, the torrential rains with hail hit more crops in northern, central and southern Moldova. Thus, the rains destroyed about 8 hectares of apple orchards in the Barladeni settlement, northern Ocnita district. Damages were registered also in the Razeni village, central Ialoveni district, where the precipitation affected about 12 hectares of maize and 30 hectares of sunflower. Also, 40 hectares of orchard were destroyed in the Saiti village, south-eastern Causeni district, because of the bad weather.      

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) informed that the  precipitation had made havoc in the southern region, in the Etulia settlement, Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia. The hail destroyed there about 360 hectares of walnut trees, 200 hectares of sunflower and 200 hectares of barley. 

At the same time, damages were reported in the southern Basarabeasca district, Bascalia village, where about 750 metres of asphalted road and 70 square metres of pellicle on greenhouse were destroyed. Moreover, also here, the heavy rainfall deteriorated more crops, among which: 62 hectares of vineyard, 448 hectares of wheat, 111 hectares of maize, 179 hectares of barley, seven hectares of peas and 217 hectares of sunflower.   

The district commissions for emergency situations are to assess the sum of the material damages.  




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