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Moldovan president stresses need of afforestation, awards Civic Merit medal on World Environment Day

11:31 | 05.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The head of state, on the World Environment Day, has come up with a message, reading that it is good for us to be aware of the fact and draw attention to important things. ‘’A sound environment is not a luxury, but a vital need and we have consensus, at the level of the society, that we must increase the afforested areas. The forests mean the health of the earth, water, air and the health of our citizens,’’ President Maia Sandu said, the presidential press service has reported.       

The head of state thanked those over 6,000 people who had participated in the afforestation campaign from the last spring and all those from the previous year – foresters, workers, volunteers, representatives of the ecologist community, all citizens who take care of the nature. President Maia Sandu stressed that, as a token of gratitude, she had ruled to award the Civic Merit medal to more employees of the Moldsilva Forestry Agency for their contribution to the protection of nature. The head of state noted that, in 2023, 7,000 hectares of wood had been planted, which is more than in the past. Maia Sandu also said that she hoped that the afforestation would be continued with accelerated paces.    

„We are set to plant 145,000 hectares in the next 10 years! We should plant woods and take care of woods!’’ the head of state added.  



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