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Simplified procedure of conversion of driver's licences issued by Moldova, Albania

13:09 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The government today approved the agreement, compiled through exchanges of notes, between Moldova and Albania on the conversion of driver’s licences.     

The agreement defines the fields of cooperation between the signatory sides. The main goal of the accord is to simplify the procedure of conversion of the driver’s licences for the holders of driving documents issued by the competent authorities from Moldova and Albania, including for the holders of valid driver’s licences with permits of stay from Moldova and Albania, based on reciprocity. The agreement will also facilitate the movement of both countries’ citizens on their territory.   

The Interior Ministry said that the document would help consolidate the cooperation relations between the two states in the field of conversion of driver’s licences and would support the facilitation of the road traffic in the two countries, based on equal and mutually advantageous conditions.   

The basic institution in charge of the Agreement’s enforcement is the Interior Ministry and the Public Services Agency will act as auxiliary institution.




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