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Moldovan education and research ministry condemns any practices infringing integrity principles in evaluating pupils

16:18 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Education and Research Ministry (MEC) and the National Agency for Curriculum and Evaluation (ANCE) have taken note in case of information which appeared in the online environment as to presumed services of sale of tests from the national school-leaving examinations. MEC condemns any practices which infringe the integrity principles in the process of pupils’ evaluation.     

„The tests for the national Baccalaureate exam and the ones for the national examination for finishing the high school are preserved in conditions of maximal security, which hinders the access of unauthorized people to the tests used at the national school-leaving examinations or the leaks of information on the subjects of the exam,’’ MEC said. 

In the context, the institution reiterated its urge to the pupils of the school-leaving forms, parents and teachers to prove correctness and honesty at the 2024 examination session and not to become victims of swindles.   

„Any attempt of fraud will be treated in accordance with the law,’’ the ministry said.

MEC sent an approach to the Interior Ministry’s General Police Inspectorate, thereby asking for considering a suspect case of swindle which appeared on social networks.    



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