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Moldovan Defence Ministry says not to allow National Army be used by traitors against national interest

22:15 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Defence Ministry today informed that all information which had appeared in the investigation concerning the former head of the National Army’s General Staff, brigade general Igor Gorgan was attentively verified and analyzed by ministry’s specialists, in cooperation with other institutions of the state.    

„We will not allow the National Army to be used by traitors of country against the national interest. The National Army is subordinated directly to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and serves the Motherland,’’ the Defence Ministry noted.

The institution said that it ‘’pays a maximal attention to any subject which deals with the national security and will severely sanction any infringement of the law committed by its employees.’’   

The former commandant of the National Army, brigade general Igor Gorgan was dismissed from office by President Maia Sandu in 2021, including at a proposal by Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii.     

„The National Army in the last two years has proved that that it is resolute to strengthen the defence sector, in order to ensure the peace in Moldova and the citizens’ safety,’’ the Defence Ministry also said.

An investigation made public by The Insider today, referring to a correspondence from a social network of the former head of the National Army’s General Staff, Igor Gorgan, with his presumed trustee from Russia’s intelligence services, Aleksey Makarov, points to a close cooperation between them. According to the quoted source, Gorgan was regularly reporting about the political situation in Moldova, sending data on visits to Chisinau by representatives of the Defence Ministry from Ukraine, as well as procurements of weapons for the Ukrainian army.   

Following the publication of the information, the Moldovan Presidency informed that head of state, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Maia Sandu would withdraw the state distinctions and the military ranks of the former head of the National Army’s General Staff, general Igor Gorgan.  

At the same time, today evening, information appeared, according to which the former head of the Moldovan Army’s General Staff, Igor Gorgan, was suspended from the office of head of security of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Moldova, United Nations Refugee Agency.   



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