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PHOTO Best entrepreneurs of Moldova awarded prizes at Moldovan Business Gala

14:58 | 06.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 June /MOLDPRES/ - Native companies from diverse sectors of the economy, which have proved performance in their activity field, were declared winners at the contests, Trademark of the Year and The Prize for Achievements in Quality Sector. They were awarded prizes at the 21st edition of the Moldovan Business Gala in Chisinau on 5 June evening.   

The event was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and its partners and brought high-level together public personalities, cabinet members, MPs, ambassadors, donors and business people.   

In his speech addressed to Moldovan entrepreneurs, Prime Minister Dorin Recean conveyed a message of appreciation and support. He said that, at present, despite the crises, the entrepreneurs had new opportunities of development and had invested in the national economy, by creating jobs and welfare in the country. ‘’The economic optimism returns and we have an opportunity which we have never had – to be competitive on the biggest and richest market in the world. The accession to the European Union means a better living for our citizens and a competitive business environment, which is to provide opportunities for big investments.  We must be proud of Moldova, of the talent and innovations in our country. We should invest at home!’’ the prime minister said.   

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergiu Harea said that entrepreneurs who excel in everything they do were awarded prizes at the Moldovan Business Gala. ‘’Together, we want to develop the companies from Moldova, to be known all over the world. Over 70 countries of the world already know that Moldova fan export quality products. Over 270 companies participated in those two contests. We have more than 2,000 native trademarks and over 650 companies which invested in the management of quality during years participated in the two contests. Together, we have a nice future in EU,’’ Sergiu Harea said.     

Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to be with Moldova. ‘’We celebrate together the results achieved by Moldovan companies from different sectors. Today, we celebrate not only the resistance and dedication of these outstanding companies and their employees, but also the deep impact they had on the living of the Moldovan citizens. We celebrate those who bring the fame of Moldova in EU. I am happy to see that the Moldovan entrepreneurs successfully integrate into the EU market. The figures speak for themselves: about 65 per cent of the exports go to EU. For the business to flourish, it is important that the authorities continue the reform process. EU reaffirms its commitment to be with Moldova. Together, we will continue edifying a prosperous and democratic Moldova in EU,’’ the official noted.   

Being at its 21st edition, the contest, Trademark of the Year, is one of the most efficient instruments of promoting the trademarks on the domestic and external markets. The results of the contest allow highlighting the leaders and establishing the dynamic of the behavior of consumers on the domestic market.  

The contest, The prize for achievements in sector of quality of assets and services, is at its tenth edition. Its goal is to highlight the companies which successfully implemented the management of quality and to promote the modern approaches of quality.   










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