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Moldovan PM meets representatives of 19 Chinese companies

17:44 | 07.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 June /MOLDPRES/ - The benefits to invest in Moldova and the fields with the greatest potential of development have been among the subjects discussed at the government’s headquarters by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and a delegation made up of representatives of 19 Chinese companies from such sectors as: infrastructure, renewable energy, agriculture, finance, international logistics and constructions. The participants had occasion to put more questions and discuss with representatives of the national institutions from the Investments Agency and Energy Ministry.       

Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed that Moldova was a fit destination for investors from diverse regions of the world and, in the context of the European integration, it provided more advantages, so that the Chinese enterprises are encouraged to come to Moldova.   

„Moldova represents a good opportunity for investors. The pro-European government provides a comfortable and safe environment to all business people, without bureaucracy or other obstacles,’’ the PM said.    

The prime minister referred also to Moldova’s interest in reducing the difference from the Moldovan-Chinese balance of trade, through the diversification and increase in the volumes of Moldovan products exported to the Chinese market. ‘’Our producers are interested in exporting wine, fresh and dry fruits, oils, food products for children and many other products to China,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.   

The meeting took place in the context holding, in Chisinau, of the China-Moldova Forum of Cooperation in Investments, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China on 6-7 June.  






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