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PM says young people of Moldova represent source of inspiration for everybody

21:34 | 08.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 8 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean, at the fourth edition of the Tekwill Junior Ambassadors 2024 contest, has awarded prizes to the young people who had participated on behalf of Moldova. The young people shared innovating projects presented in diverse fields: educational robotics, electronic circuits, modelling and 3D printing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality.     

„I have always been confident that the pupils from Moldova have an amazing capacity to express their creativity in the technology sector. And the young people who achieved outstanding results at the Tekwill Junior Ambassadors 2024 contest represent a source of inspiration for all of us, to trust our country, to have confidence in a European Moldova,’’ the prime minister said.   

The event is set to contribute to the simulation and promotion of innovation in Moldova and to foster its role in the country’s economic development, in order to edify a more inclusive sustainable and prosperous future.

This year, over 700 pupils and 250 teachers from all over Moldova participated in the contest. During several months, the teams worked intensely to develop digital products with social impact. At the competition, the pupils solved problems from the real life which they face in their own community, by applying the knowledge and technical skills got at the Tekwill in Each School courses, available in 391 education institutions from Moldova.   

Tekwill Junior Ambassadors 2024 was organized in the context of the Tekwill Expo Day 2024, within the event, Moldova Digital Summit 2024.






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